
The AT8000 MM/MC Phono amplifier is still alive - and now kicking ass!

We received a nice email this week from a happy person, who said:

Hello Astin Trew,

Just wanted to say what a lovely phono amp this [AT8000] is, by far the best I've ever had (and that includes the Naim Superline at £2,000 without power supply) it's enabled me to play and enjoy less than perfect albums, with its warm but detailed sound. Have you stopped making this? I got mine second hand.

best regards, D.R.

Well, D.R. is half right with his question regarding availability of the original AT8000, we have indeed stopped making it to the same specification he has bought second hand; that's because we are making it better! The AT8000 has undergone a spring clean, and the main improvements in performance are due to the use of upgraded audiophile components along with several other performance enhancing modifications. We think its price/performance ratio is pretty unbeatable for musicality, and if marketed in a bigger box, one would be comparing it with phono-stages up to two or three times its price. Instead, we have kept the original compact slim box form to save you space - and your hard earned cash.

If you want to hear a phono-stage that will keep a smile on your face for hours on end, do go and take a listen to the AT8000 at one of our Dealers, or perhaps ask for a 14 day at home trial from the likes of www.soundfidelity.co.uk.

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