
We are exhibiting at the London Heathrow Hi Fi show in September, there are more details on our web site www.astintrew.co.uk for those of you who might be interested in hearing our products. We will be launching the new AT2000 integrated amplifier at the show, and with this in mind, we thought we would offer you some passages from a very interesting review in the 'Hi Fi Critic' magazine (May/June 2008), that discusses the principles and use of the 'Never Connected' power supply design; as this is used extensively in the AT2000, powering the critical low power circuits throughout the design.

It is no coincidence that the review tests conducted by Chris Bryant for Hi Fi Critic magazine were using two AT3500 Astin Trew CD players, as this is now an upgrade available through Trichord Research Ltd. in the UK and it was therefore easy to offer Chris an A/B comparison.

The Astin Trew working premise, when designing audio products, is to offer a listening experience that is 'true to the source', indeed this is our tag line. We work hard to design our products so they offer as real a sound as possible at each product price point. We have found that the power supplies (and indeed the condition of the mains entering the component) is one of the most important factors to design correctly, to ensure you do not loose musicality. It is quite easy to design audio electronics with faultless specifications; quite another to make it sound highly involving, entertaining and 'real' sounding.

So, back to the article. The first third sets the scene, talking about just the points I have mentioned above, pointing out that the Never Connected design has evolved over the past three years, and is now significantly improved. Please read the review or go to the Never Connected web site if you wish to know more about the design concept. I will leave you with these comments from the AT3500 A/B comparison listening tests:

' ...the listening tests proved interesting, and the difference between these two units was substantial, and the NC supplied player was simply better everywhere. Bass sounded cleaner, apparently more powerful and better defined, with more impact, better structure, improved tune playing ability and dynamics. Midrange had better focus, more realistic tonality and dynamics, and just generally sounded more like a real sound. The treble had less grain, greater definition and extra air and sparkle. The sound stage was more solid with greater depth; focus was far tighter, and the whole illusion more realistic.'

The AT3500 in standard form has won awards, five star reviews, and blown most the competition out of the water in comparative reviews! The Trichord NC add-on box for the AT3500 is not cheap, but it does take the AT3500 into another league and still represents good combined value.

By directly incorporating the Never Connected power supplies into the AT2000 amplifier, we have managed to keep the manufacturing prices right down, but offer the benefits indicated above. The £1,299.00p UK retail price represents (we think) extraordinary value - and that is before you start looking at the features also offered on this amplifier. Look out for reviews in the magazines. If you are in the market for an audiophile quality amplifier at a sensible price, we would urge you to have a listen to our AT2000.

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