
More on the AT3500 CD player

I was going to comment on the issues around power amplifier ratings and perceived loudness this month. But I am finding the high volume of interest in, and the pleasure the AT3500 CD player is giving to a growing band of happy owners, should be acknowledged. Thank you all for your feedback and support.

Of several email correspondences we have had recently with satisfied customers, this one is from Derek in Italy:

I am the proud owner of an AT3500 CD Player!
It is outstanding!
I congratulate You all for making such a great music machine.
My AT3500 is connected to a Klimo Merlino Gold pre-amp,
two Rega Exon 3 power-amps, Rega R9 Speakers
All cables are Klimo. The above combination sounds great.
I listen mainly
to Modern Jazz and R. & B.
I have two more costlier "high end" Cd players,
but honestly, the AT3500, although much cheaper,has nothing to envy....
I wish You all great success. Best regards from Roma -Italy
from Derek! (English name but absolutely 100% italian ! )

and then a few days later:

maybe i should not tell You but.....
I have ordered a see-through plexiglass cover in order to see the inside of the AT3500! It is so beautifully made inside,and it a pity not to be able to see the components "at work". My Klimo pre-amp also has a see-through cover and does make a great scene!
Ciao from Derek

We always welcome feedback from our customers, thank you Derek - and everyone else who has phoned and emailed us about their Astin Trew purchases. As a design and manufacture company, selling through UK retailers and distributors around the world, we are at 'arms length' from our end customers.

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