
Winter weather and the AT8000

Belated Happy New Year to all our Astin Trew blog readers. With all the snow and foul weather in January, we hunkered down and just got through it! Apologies to anyone who did not receive their Astin Trew product during the 'snow time', the likes of UPS could not collect or deliver to our premises for a 10 day period during the worst of the weather.

One knock on effect has been the delay of the launch of our new AT8000 mm/mc phono amplifier. This is now nearing completion, with numerous small improvements made since the first prototypes were shown in October last year. It is now a more musical phono stage, and competes at its £880 UK recommended retail price with competition selling up to £2,500. We are very pleased with its performance, particularly through the XLR balanced outputs, where we have lost the 'clinical' sound, so many balanced outputs have. The AT8000 should be with our dealers in March. Look out for reviews in the magazines, if this 'floats your boat' - better still, borrow a sample from your dealer on sale or return and try it in your system!